By now a lot of us have seen what we do not want in our external world. We have seen damage of current societal practices that are ruled by a production line for top corporations. We have seen the damage that pollution, mass production, and consumerism have had on our society. We have seen pollution, poverty, the survival mindset of the every day. And yet, so many of us feel powerless to it, from our own singular lives. We cannot control what the person next to us does or doesn't do... we cannot alone stop the car manufacturers, or alone stop the "mandatory" school curriculum in our education systems. Simultaneously, we also have to get by for ourselves within this system. Life for many has become about getting by because there are so many things that our external world reinforce or mandate that we must do if we are to survive within the system. We want to progress, but we are afraid. I mean, the world is so much larger. Right? How will we get by without a solid job that pays so that we can even live?
There are so many questions raised that we almost feel overwhelmed by any possibility for change that we just kind of fall face flat on the floor. That is why I think it's time to give up on reform. Before you get angry, just listen. It's time to surrender the fight of working from within a system that we already know makes us miserable. There are definitely decisions with positive intent that are making their way into the world. Eco-friendly technology, charities and organizations working to end poverty, and most importantly, people who are making the world better for themselves and others by feel inspired to be doing what they are doing. However, with so many afraid to take the next step, it's hard to push for reform from within the system at the same time. When do we just say, "Enough!?" Instead, this is a call to action.
As an artist, you can make edits and changes when things aren't going the way you would like. However, there are some times that you need to paint the canvas white and start completely from scratch. The good news is, if you are as fed up with the current system as I am, you're ready to make this change. I won't lie. I'm afraid. I'm afraid of it not working out, hitting rock bottom, feeling so powerless to the largeness of the world and the system that hurts so many. But no person with a heroic heart (and I absolutely propose you have one if you are reading this), ever went into battle without fear. A person is not brave because they don't have fear, they are brave because they can continue forward with it. It's time to stop feeding our belief that the current system for obtaining abundance in our lives is only through the current established methods. If we as human made the current societal rules we live by, we can re-make them! There are those who will tell you to end your march forward. There are those that have strayed so far from love that they feel they cannot even touch it anymore. During these times, remember that if your intent is loving and pure, other's hate and anger toward our mission for a better world is a manifestation of their own powerlessness and insecurity.
When we walk forward into the daybreak of a better system, and a better planet, our fear will dissolve and we will feel the immense freedom and inspiration we have longed for. But no one will take that first step for us. We cannot wait to see it happening around us. We must be those strong leaders that walk forward with love into the world, regardless of what it thrown. And most importantly, we must stand together for positive change on the dramatic and minute levels. So many paths have called out to me, and one is ringing strong and clear... International connection and community. Looking through history, the largest changes have occurred in large numbers.
This won't be a lone pursuit. We will need connection between all people at this time to remember the nature of love within the world. Nothing is too lofty so long as you believe it's possible. No one achieved anything through doubt. This is why I propose that we not only create more intentional communities for people to help each other and lovingly interact, but it's time to unite these intentional communities under a common improved system. Creating schools that facilitate a child's natural curiosity and growth, without judging them based on what grades they receive but the quality of their time and attention. Facilitating the use of technology that helps the earth and ourselves to live well. Creating a new system of justice where loving understanding change is key. Creating a system where abundance is open to all, and no one has to struggle to fulfill their basic needs and suffer if they can't.
We need people who do every kind of job there is, and enjoy doing it. We need people who enjoy building things, cooking, gardening, planning, designing. We need doctors, healers, motivators, and most especially, creators. Creative thought is at the heart of this pursuit. We need creative thought in our world, not just efficiency. We don't want bandaids and cover-ups. We want long, lasting change. We want the bigger picture. We want a world community.
Moreover, stop doing things in your life that are making you miserable! Make plans, make change. Make love and happiness the most important thing in your life, and reinforce it with the changes you make! This is your life. In the face of death, what do you have to loose? Life is too short to justify things that are holding you back from enjoying it.